What is a gastric balloon? How does it benefit me?

The gastric balloon has positioned itself as one of the alternatives to the most popular surgical procedures of today due to its accessibility in cost, being just as effective and even safer than other procedures when looking for a procedure that helps us to reach an ideal and optimal weight for our health, thus avoiding around 50 types of obesity-related problems. A study by the American Cancer Society found that being overweight or obese increases a person’s risk of contracting at least 13 types of Cancer. The study also found that body fat, poor nutrition, lack of physical activity and excessive alcohol consumption contributed to one in five cases of cancer.

Losing weight quickly has positive effects on the health of your body, and the more you lose, the more you reduce your risk of many serious health problems. But that’s the hard part. Many people simply cannot lose weight. They have tried multiple diets and many exercise plans, but they just aren’t successful.

In My New Body we have the definitive solution, below we present four benefits of the gastric balloon.
Te estarás preguntando ¿qué es mejor para mí?, si ambas cirugías son semejantes, si bien estamos hablando de procedimientos con una finalidad similar, reconstruir y darle una mejor estética al abdomen. Son cirugías de grados de complejidad distintos Flor De Lis se posiciona como una cirugía más compleja ya que abarca una mayor parte del abdomen realizando una incisión en forma de T invertida, reparando casos de flacidez severa teniendo como objetivo reconstruir la pared abdominal y corregir problemas estéticos y funcionales ocasionados por la flacidez cutánea. A diferencia de una abdominoplastia convencional que permite repara casos de flacidez moderada que con una incisión menos compleja logra devolverle la estética al abdomen.